Masters of Science in Physical Therapy, The Sage Colleges (1999)
Board certification as Women’s Health Clinical Specialist (2012)
American Physical Therapy Association
Paul Hodges and Lorimer Mosley conference (sponsored by Section On Women’s Health)
Combined Sections Meeting (speaker in 2013, 2020)
Barral Institute
Visceral Mobilization Abdomen 1
Visceral Mobilization Abdomen 2
Visceral Mobilization Thorax
Visceral Mobilization Pelvis
Neural Manipulation
Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehab Institute
Female Pelvic Floor Function, Dysfunction, and Treatment: Levels 1, 2A, 2B, and 3
Pediatric Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Pudendal Neuralgia Assessment and Treatment
Pelvic Girdle and the Pelvic Floor for the Orthopedic Therapist
Visceral Manipulation for the Treatment of Pelvic Dysfunction:
Course 1: The Urologic System
Course 2: The Reproductive System
Pregnancy and Postpartum: Clinical Highlights
Lumbar Nerve Manual Assessment and Treatment
Sacral Nerve Manual Assessment and Treatment
Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging: Orthopedic Topics
Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging: Pelvic Health and Orthopedic Topics
Nutrition Perspectives for the Pelvic Rehab Therapist
Pregnancy and Postpartum Considerations for High Intensity Athletics
Institute of Physical Art
Functional Orthopedics 1
Back Education and Training
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation 1
Lumbopelvic Integration
International Pelvic Pain Society annual meetings and post-conference workshops with:
Susan Clinton
Cervical Spine & Diaphragm to Pelvic Floor
Pelvic Pain Rehabilitation
Demystifying Pudendal Neuralgia
Manual Therapy and Pregnancy
David Lindsay at KIMA
New Advances in Hip Rehabilitation
Upledger Institute
Craniosacral 1